


Oakl和 University William Beaumont School of Medicine seeks to admit applicants who possess personal 和 professional integrity, 具备专业医疗能力的潜力, 提供富有同情心的护理的能力, 对终身学习的热情, 卓越教育, 和 an underst和ing that medicine is both art 和 science. 

只有你.S. citizens 和 permanent residents are eligible for admission.


COVID-19 has impacted communities across the entire United States. We’re aware of the difficulties this may cause prospective students as they look to apply to medical schools. Please see the answers to some frequently asked questions below.

What is the Admission Committee’s stance on taking Pass/Fail courses?

的 招生 Committee prefers 和 recommends that all prerequisites be completed for a letter or numeric grade; however, 会否接受个别情况下的及格/不及格成绩. Courses should be completed at a 区域ly accredited college or university.


Online courses are accepted provided they are completed at a 区域ly accredited university, 最好是四年制大学.  

My activities (services-related, 研究, shadowing, etc.)受到新冠肺炎影响, how will the 招生 Committee view this when evaluating my application?

We will continue to evaluate your application holistically, keeping in mind that many experiences have been impacted by COVID-19. 将考虑虚拟体验. 的 expectation is that applicants should be able to speak about their experience(s) in a meaningful way. 的 Committee will continue to look favorably on applicants who show a longitudinal commitment to serving their community, experiences that take one outside of their comfort zone, 也表明了他们对医学职业的承诺.  


学生 require balanced preparation 和 a foundation of both technical knowledge 和 pre-professionalism upon entering medical school. 的 AAMC PREview™ professional readiness exam enables medical schools to assess non-academic, pre-professional competencies that 研究 shows meaningfully impact an individual’s performance during medical training 和 as practicing physicians. It is a valid, reliable, 和 fair assessment as evidenced through years of 研究.

We 强烈推荐 that all applicants applying to OUWB complete the AAMC PREview 专业 Readiness Exam for the 2024-2025 application cycle. Exam results will be holistically reviewed at the 招生 Committee.  

登记 for the exam opens in April 和 closes in September with testing dates available from June-September. 的 2024年测试日历 提供所有即将到来的考试日期. 

关于AAMC预览考试的更多信息 可以在网上找到.


1. MCAT成绩495*

2. 本科BCPM GPA 3.00 OR 
     学士毕业后BCPM累计绩点3.5 with at least 24 credit hours in the math 和                             sciences OR
     研究生BCPM累计绩点3.5 with at least 24 credit hours in the math 和 sciences.

*所有申请者都需要MCAT. For the 2025 admissions cycle, the oldest MCAT considered: September 2021. 最新的MCAT考虑:2024年9月.

注意: 只有你.S. 公民和永久居民也会被考虑.


所有申请者都需要MCAT. Scores will be accepted for tests taken during or after the month of September three years prior to the year of application. 例如, 2025年招生周期(2024年申请), 最早的MCAT考试截止日期是2021年9月. 我们要求最低分数为495分.

  • Meaningful medical activities (including volunteer work, shadowing, etc)
  • 为他人和社区服务
  • 团队合作和领导能力
  • Demonstrated ability to perform well in an academic setting 
  • 在某一活动或感兴趣的领域(体育)表现出色, 研究, 或其他努力)在当地, 区域, 或者国家级
  • Evidence of intellectual curiosity 和 a commitment to life-long learning

All prerequisite coursework should be completed at a 区域ly accredited college or university in the United States or Canada. Applicants who use community college courses to meet prerequisite requirements are encouraged to show competency by taking higher level courses in these areas at a 区域ly accredited four-year institution in the United States or Canada. Applicants with foreign educational credentials (except for Canada) should complete prerequisite requirements at a 区域ly accredited four-year institution in the U.S.


Applicants should take a minimum of 24 college credits with breadth 和 depth of science 和 math disciplines. 在这24个学分中,课程必须包括:

  • 生物化学1门
  • 1门统计学课程(基于数学或社会科学)
  • 1个生物、化学或物理的实验室

In addition to the 24 science/math credits, applicants must complete:

  • 一门社会或行为科学课程.

*学生 who have received an interview invitation or admissions offer 和 would like to request a course substitute for a prerequisite, we ask that you submit the course description from the university course catalog along with the corresponding syllabus for review to (电子邮件保护).

*We will begin accepting AP credits on a case by case basis for the 2024-2025 application cycle.



Courses recommended are in disciplines such as philosophy, 历史, 文学, 语言, 人类学, 伦理和神学. Studies in these areas deepen the applicant's underst和ing of the basis for human values 和 offer the opportunity to develop an appreciation of other cultures 和 ethnic groups. 这一背景对卫生保健提供者至关重要.


Underst和ing the range of variation of behavior as a biologic, 心理, 和 social phenomena is essential to the practice of medicine. Courses recommended are in disciplines such as psychology, 社会学, 文化人类学与生态学.


Although there is no formal course requirement for English, applicants are expected to have a strong background in writing, 口头交流和批判性阅读能力.

解剖学 & 生物学:

建立适当的基础技能, students are strongly recommended to take an anatomy course 和 an advanced level biology (cellular or molecular) course.


It is recommended 和 customary that a baccalaureate 学位 from an accredited institution be completed prior to enrollment. 学生 must demonstrate that they have acquired a broad education that extends beyond the basic sciences to include the social sciences, 历史, 艺术, 和语言. Broad academic training provides prospective physicians with the strong scientific skills necessary to continue study in medical science as well as a comprehensive underst和ing of social, historical 和 cultural forces that affect their professional lives 和 the lives of their patients.


Applicants should submit a minimum of three letters of recommendation (maximum of five). If your premedical advising office provides a committee letter compiling feedback from multiple sources, this letter will count as two of your three required letters of recommendation. 所有提交的信件都必须签名, 最好是用信纸, 和 submitted through AMCAS Letters of Evaluation/Recommendation Service.

We receive many questions about who should write letters of recommendation.  We highly recommend you select writers who know you well 和 can speak to your qualifications for entering the field of medicine.  It is a good idea to include at least one faculty member who has gotten to know you during the course of your studies.  Letters from family members 和/or friends are discouraged.

AAMC 的指导方针 for Writing a Letter of Evaluation for a 医疗 School Applicant


M.D. 学位 signifies that the holder is a physician prepared for entry into the practice of medicine. M候选人.D. 学位 must possess the requisite knowledge 和 skills, 身体上的, 认知, 和 emotional abilities to function in a broad variety of clinical situations to render a wide spectrum of patient care. 因此, the Oakl和 University William Beaumont School of Medicine has established the following essential requirements necessary for medical students to successfully complete the full curriculum 和 meet the core competencies to become a c和idate for the M.D. 学位.

Individuals with questions or who need reasonable accommodations to the technical st和ards are encouraged to contact the 残疾人支持服务办公室.


All c和idates must demonstrate their ability to use vision, 听力, 而体感要准确观察:

  • 教学示范,以及
  • 病人离得远,离得近.


  • 有效的口头和书面沟通
  • 理解书面交流
  • 评估非语言交流(如情绪), 活动, 和 changes in posture) that are fundamental components of the patient interview 和 physical examination, 和
  • Demonstrate communication skills that are essential for the formation of effective professional relationships with teachers 和 colleagues, 以及与病人的治疗关系.

C和idates must also possess computer literacy, including keyboard skills.


All c和idates must demonstrate their ability to use motor 和 sensory functions to:

  • Perform components of the physical examination such as palpation, auscultation, 和 percussion
  • Perform routine invasive procedures including the use of universal precautions to avoid posing risks to patients or themselves
  • Perform basic laboratory tests 和 evaluate routine diagnostic tools such as EKGs 和 imaging studies
  • Respond 和 perform with precise, quick, 和 appropriate actions in emergency situations,
  • Participate effectively in physically taxing duties over long hours, 和 
  • 完成定时的技能演示.

Such actions require coordination of both gross 和 fine muscular movements, 触觉:触觉的平衡和功能运用, 视觉和听觉. All c和idates must possess the physical health 和 stamina necessary to independently perform the duties of a medical student 和 physician in training without endangering the lives of patients 和 colleagues with whom the medical student might have contact.


All c和idates must demonstrate 认知 functions 和 effective learning techniques. 考生必须能够:

  • 测量、计算和分析数据
  • 检索, 组织, integrate 和 synthesize information 和 apply reasoning to reach conclusions based on evidence
  • Comprehend three-dimensional relationships 和 underst和 the spatial relationships of structures
  • Draw inferences from the logical sequential relationships of events
  • Underst和 the legal 和 ethical aspects of the practice of medicine
  • Be fully alert 和 attentive at all times in clinical settings, 和
  • 有效地解决问题.


  • 表现出良好的判断力和稳定的情绪
  • 展示毅力, diligence 和 consistency required to successfully complete the rigorous curriculum of the OUWB
  • 在压力下有效工作
  • Display flexibility 和 adaptability to changing 和 uncertain environments
  • Demonstrate evidence of the personal attributes of honesty, 利他主义, 同理心, 关心他人, 和
  • Contribute to the learning environment 和 receive 和 act upon constructive feedback from faculty members 和 peers.

的 OUWB Office of Student Affairs can assist medical students in underst和ing other University policies 和 practices, 解决个人和学术问题, 和 supplying referrals to other University offices when appropriate.